GE Signa Voyager is a top-of-the-range equipment that was set specifically for musculoskeletal pathologies.


The conventional X-ray is a simple, quick, painless test that allows an effective assessment of human anatomy. Its function is to help the doctor with the diagnosis of various pathologies and to control the evolution of treatments.

X-rays are emitted through the human body and will be absorbed or reflected by internal structures. Remaining radiations are transmitted to a detector, creating an image that will be analyzed.


Clínica Lambert has a Nursing Care service, composed by an experienced and qualified team. The aim is to provide nursing care and support for the sub-specialty consultations at the clinic.


An ultrasound is a complementary diagnostic tool based on the emission of high-frequency sound waves. Through a sound that touches the patient’s skin, it is possible to get dynamic images of the interior of the human body in real-time. This way, focal or diffuse lesions can be identified in parenchymal organs and structures. The ultrasound is also widely used for musculoskeletal evaluation, particularly for joint pathologies.


Medical examinations are an indispensable tool for evaluating if recreational or professional athletes are fit or not for performing their practice. They are therefore an important tool for screening certain pathologies or clinical conditions, particularly among the young population. Sports Medicine exams (compulsory for all federate athletes) are also recommended for all those who wish to start or resume a sports activity.


The Stress Test is a non-invasive test that allows the assessment of cardiovascular response to a standardized effort. It is performed through an analysis of the symptoms and continuous electrocardiograph recording, accompanied by periodic blood pressure measurements. In this exam, the heart activity is measured during exercise so that it shows signs or symptoms that are not visible when it is not at stress, including the ability to obtain sufficient blood and oxygen.

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